Tinnitus has a variety of causes, including age-related hearing loss or impairment, exposure to loud noises, earwax blockage, high blood pressure, and the use of certain medications.
When is tinnitus normal?
Tinnitus is normal when it occurs during pregnancy or because of gum buildup in the ear, and treating it involves treating the causes that lead to it, such as tinnitus resulting from gum buildup, tumors or the joint of the palate. For persistent tinnitus, it is treated with behavioral therapy or sound masking devices or headphones, and ignoring the tinnitus can also be one of the most important treatments.
Is noise related to tinnitus?
Exposure to many types of loud noises can damage the sensitive parts of the ear responsible for hearing and lead to temporary or even permanent loss, which can also lead to tinnitus.
When is tinnitus dangerous?
In some cases, tinnitus can be dangerous, for example if it is a symptom of a serious health problem or if it is the cause of psychological problems such as stress, depression, or insomnia.
Do tinnitus symptoms differ from person to person?
The nature of tinnitus varies depending on the difficulty causing it. Tinnitus can be felt as noise or as one or more tones (multiple tones).
The noise can also be continuous or pulsating, called “pulsating tinnitus”, and is synchronized with the heartbeat.
Tinnitus can take various other forms, such as hissing or buzzing.
What are the most important tips to avoid tinnitus?
It is important to know and avoid the elements that increase tinnitus. In some cases, tinnitus increases when consuming certain foods, drinks, or medications. It is also recommended to avoid loud sounds such as loud music.
Patients are advised to listen to mild sound while seated, while doing certain activities to reduce the stress and discomfort associated with tinnitus, such as yoga, meditation, and relaxation, and to get enough sleep, as fatigue and exhaustion increase tinnitus in the head. , and it is advisable to avoid smoking.