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How do you deal with seasonal allergies?


Seasonal allergies are known as allergic rhinitis or hay fever. Seasonal allergies can occur throughout the year, but are more common in the spring, when the body’s immune system reacts to grass and tree pollen. Symptoms may include sneezing, runny nose, and nasal and nasal disturbances. Congestion of eyes watering and itching around the nose, eyes, and ears.

Health experts generally agree that reducing pollen exposure is key to controlling seasonal allergies, and that starts with monitoring the amount of pollen in your area via weather apps or local media reports.

It also means spending less time outdoors during this period, particularly on dry days and periods of high winds, with the need to keep windows closed when pollen counts are high, and it may also be advisable to wear a face and nose mask in case of outdoor activity. Is necessary.

Symptomatic treatment usually begins with over-the-counter remedies, such as decongestants, antihistamines, and nasal sprays or solutions. For more severe cases, allergy shots (or what’s called immunotherapy) aim to reduce the body’s reactions over time.

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